P.O. Box 271, Bentonville, AR 72712Toll Free: (877) 551-3377info@hoodandstacy.com8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Central Time)

This is a proposal for payments over time at an agreed amount per payment.  Your proposal is not binding on our client or our office unless it has been accepted, and you keep the proposal by making all payments in a timely fashion.  We will advise you if your payment plan proposal has been accepted, and when your payments are due.

Authorization: I understand that this offer of settlement or proposal for a payment plan is not effective until Hood and Stacy, P.A., communicates acceptance of my offer or proposal. In addition, I understand that if my offer or proposal is accepted, that all payments must be made in the agreed amount, and must be received by Hood and Stacy, P.A., by their due date, or Hood and Stacy, P.A., at its option, can declare the settlement offer or payment proposal withdrawn. In that event, the full remaining balance will be due, and any payment made on the account thereafter will be applied against the full balance.

By submitting the form below I agree to the following:

  • I agree to allow you to communicate with me about my account.
  • Your firm may contact me by email regarding this matter.

Upon submission of this form a response to your request/offer will be sent in 3-5 business days.

This is a communication from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.



